That's right. I graduated. FINALLY! I now have a bachelors in science- Dental Hygiene. My name is now Jennifer Kelly RDH BS. Weird.
These last 5 years have been pretty crazy. I've gotten married, made some amazing friends, and have a baby on the way! The last 2 years in the dental hygiene program have definitely been the
Hardest 2 years of my life. But it is totally worth it. My husband has been my strongest supporter. He's been there through everything, the tears, late night studying, and the ranting and raving. My family has been amazing also by coming in and being my patients, I'm so grateful! There have been times I have just wanted to give up. My friends and I have even joked around about getting hit by cars or having a freak accident that would make us unable to go to school anymore. haha. Of course we only kid! ( i question that sometimes). A few weeks ago I took my national boards ( a written test that took me 4 1/2 hours) and last week I took my local anesthesia and process of care tests. I found out I passed the local anesthesia and process of care, but I'm still waiting on my results for national boards! My next step to getting licensed is my clinical boards. I have to find a patient with very heavy tarter and clean part of their mouth in timed setting, and then do injections on a patient ( my brother willfully agreed to be my patient ) It's pretty hard to find someone that qualifies to be my patient, so if you know of anyone who hasn't had their teeth cleaned in a long time, send them my way!
Picture overload..
<--- We have been through everything together! These girls have become some of my closest friends and I wish them all the best in the future, I'll miss you!
<--We have become such close friends, I'm glad to know we'll always be in touch! I love ya!
<-- My Grandma is so funny. When I went over to her house to give her the graduation announcement, she would just tell me over and over again how I am the smartest girl in the whole wide world and she doesn't know how I did this and how she was so proud of me. She's adorable. I wish I felt like the smartest person in the world!
Funny thing about this dress.. haha Nick had to help me zip it up! Probably the last time I can wear it as a preggo lady! |
My best friends. We have been through everything together! Sometimes I feel like we know a little too much about each other but it's better that way haha =) |
My graduation present from Nick. It's a band I can wear to work because I can't wear my wedding ring. It's beautiful! |
We sold our car! =( Time to get a mommy car! |
Sorry for the crappy picture.. Our new car! I quite like it. The best part about it? We OWN it! Wahoo! |
28weeks |
30 weeks |
The dental hygiene girls through me a baby shower. They are amazing and it turned out so cute! |
Kambree and I.. She's 17ish weeks pregnant and I am 31 weeks pregnant here. | | | | | | | |
32 weeks! |
This pregnancy has flown by. Now I am busy trying to get the baby room done. We bought a crib and dresser and I'm in the process of refinishing them. I'll post pictures when I get done! Only 8 more weeks and I'll be a momma!