Welp.. I finally took the time to
figure out to create a blog. I guess it's about time. I am TERRIBLE
about keeping a journal or anything like that, so I guess this is the
next best thing! Bear with me I don't know much about this whole
blogging thing, I'm still figuring it out! I don't know how good I will
be at updating it do to the fact that my senior year just started in the
dental hygiene program and I'm already SUPER busy. Nick is also
starting his last year in HVAC school. It's nice that we will both be
done around the same time ( well sort of, I have all my boards and such
until July). I'm so grateful for Nick, he is SO supportive of my
schooling. There are many a time I won't get home until after midnight
or lock myself in the bedroom the whole night doing homework or
studying. He's a champ. I love that guy. A LOT.
yay! I'm the first person to follow your blog! (i think). So excited!