O hey.
- The gospel. Just all of it.
- My savior Jesus Christ and my Father in Heaven. I can't imagine going through what my brother has been through. It really shows just how much he loves us.
- My testimony. My testimony has grown so much this summer, and I'm grateful for every Sunday and each opportunity I have to build it even more.
- My husband. I can't imagine my life without him. Nick and I have been through so much, and he's there for me no matter what. Even if I'm waking him up in the middle of the night just for a hug, he doesn't mind :). He works so hard to provide for our family and I am so grateful for that. I can't wait for many more years to come.
- My baby Madden. I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father has given me a chance to bear a child. Even if I don't get to have him here on Earth, I'm glad I am able to be his mother.
- Our family. They have helped us get through so much, and supported every decision we have made.
- My friends. I have been blessed with some pretty awesome friends. They all were there for me when I needed them the most. School has definitely brought some pretty amazing people in my life and I'm so glad. They are such good examples to me and one day I hope I can be as caring and selfless as they are =)
- My dog/cat. If anyone knows me, these animals are like my children. They crack me up and have such fun personalities. They keep me company at home when Nick's at work.
- My job(s). I was blessed I was able to go right back to work to take my mind off things. Dr. Sutton's office let me come and work for them for a while assisting until I found a hygiene position. I am grateful for the opportunity to fill in for a few offices for hygiene and the wonderful staff I get to work with that want to make me feel as comfortable as possible.
- My education. I'm grateful I was able to go to college and given the knowledge I have. (Not so grateful for those stinking student loans though haha).
- My home. I'm grateful that we OWN our home (well kinda own haha)and that I can make it homey and have a place of retreat.
- My ward. We've been in our ward for 4 years now. I absolutely love the people in it. I am a pretty shy person, and I'm so grateful for those who stepped in to help us this summer. We have such a caring ward.
- Music. I have a love/hate relationship lately with music. My music selection has drastically changed this summer, and now I quite enjoy listening to the slower calmer music. I get all ball baby at times but I love the connection you can make with lyrics.
- Our Honda Ruckus. You ask why am I so grateful for a scooter? Well let me tell you, this little machine makes me feel so free when I ride it. It's nice to hop on it and go for a ride and just think. It's lovely =)
- Modern Medicine. I'm grateful for the hospitals/nurses/doctors. They have a pretty tough job, and I'm glad we live in a time that we are able to have these things.
- Tv. Haha. Yes! I'm thankful for tv. It gives me joy to cuddle up and watch a good tv show or a good movie.
- Little things. I am grateful for the little things in life. Such as a stranger telling you that you look cute, someone opening the door for you, a smile, happy children, having a good conversation with a patient, and just people in general with positive attitudes and just being nice. I'm glad I'm able to (try) to have a good positive outlook on life. This has been a challenge for me. There have been so many people I know lately having babies and let me tell you it has been a struggle to even open my facebook page. But as I think about it, (as jealous as I am), I am so grateful that they have had healthy pregnancies and have not had to go through the pain that I have.There are so many more things I am thankful for but I won't bore you any further with endless detailed lists.

I absolutely love this quote. It's so true. If you are ever having a hard day, think about what you have been blessed with. Things will turn around sooner that you think. =)
You are so strong and beautiful Jen. When I see your smiling face on Instagram or Facebook, I instantly am so inspired by the wonderful person that you are!!! I love reading your posts, and I know that all of the things you find to be a blessing find you a blessing as well. <3